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Last updated: 13 Aug 2024

Install ruby

We use asdf to manage multiple runtime versions. This guide will show you how to install ruby with asdf.



  • Install asdf with homebrew
  • Install ruby with asdf
  • Enable a global version of ruby with asdf
  • Check your ruby version

Install asdf with homebrew

brew install asdf
echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc

Install ruby with asdf

# Enable the ruby plugin in asdf
asdf plugin add ruby
# Find a ruby version you want
asdf list-all ruby
# Install the version you want
asdf install ruby 3.0.2

Enable a global version of ruby with asdf

# Enable a global version of ruby
asdf global ruby 3.0.2

Check your ruby version

ruby --version

Project-specific ruby versions

asdf offers support for a local file in a specific project to specify the version of ruby to use.

This diminishes the chance of differences between your locally used version of ruby and the version installed in other environments from causing issues.

This is all configured with .tool-versions in the root of each project repoistory

For example, to specify the version of ruby to use in a project, create a .tool-versions file in the root of the project repository with the following content:

asdf local ruby 3.0.2

Project-specific updates to ruby

If you need to update the version of ruby in a project, update the .tool-versions file in the root of the project repository with the new version of ruby you want to use.

Everyone that uses asdf can then just run asdf install in the project repository to install the new version of ruby.